Privacy Policy and Procedures
The Gailes Community House is committed to protecting and upholding the rights of our clients to privacy in the way we collect, store and use information about them, their needs and the services we provide to them. We want our clients to have confidence that we take these responsibilities seriously.
We will ensure that all clients have:
the right to know the legal status and contact details of the organisation
the right to be told why personal information is being collected, how it will be used and whether it can be given to anyone else
the right to have personal information stored securely and protected from unauthorized access or misuse
the right to access any information held by this organization and to have it corrected if it is incorrect or out of date
the right to know any consequences of not giving any requested personal information
the responsibility to treat as private any information about another person to which you have access or have received while on these premises
the right to make a formal complaint if you believe your privacy has been infringed
the right to contact the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner on 1300 363 992
For more information, feel free to reach out.
4.1 Privacy
We manage our obligations in relation to protecting the privacy of our clients by making sure that we meet the requirements of relevant legislation:
Federal Privacy Act 1988 – Australian Privacy Principals as updated January 2014 (copy attached as appendix to policies)
In protecting the privacy of our clients, we ensure they are well informed about their rights and that we take our responsibilities seriously. Clients are informed verbally of our privacy policy and are invited to view the policy at any time. When completing evaluations and sign in processes, participants are informed that no identifying information will be provided in any reporting processes unless permission is given in writing by the participant. Photo permission will be obtained initially in writing and again verbally prior to any photographs being taken or used in publication. Participants are informed of how their personal details will be stored in a locked filing cabinet and or on a password protected computer. Participants are made aware that they can access their own personal information or documents that we may have at any time upon verbal and written request.
We pay attention to the physical layout of our premises regarding privacy. We make the following provision for private interview space when interviewing clients or talking with them about matters of a sensitive or personal nature. Clients who identify to need a private space to discuss personal matters will use the designated space of either the coordinators office (smaller one on one meeting) or the meeting room (larger meetings).